UBC Campus Wide Login (CWL)
CWL stands for Campus Wide Login and is maintained by the UBC IT department. All Regent students are required to get an Affiliate CWL account in order to link their Compass Card to the U-Pass BC scheme, to use the UBC Library's online resources, to access the eduroam Wi-Fi network or to request a UBC card via their online service portal.
Affiliate CWL
Regent students can sign up for an Affiliate CWL account in order to link their Compass Cards to the U-Pass BC scheme.
Note: Students who have previously been issued a Guest CWL will need to upgrade to an Affiliate CWL in order to link their Compass Card to the U-Pass scheme.
Once students have an Affiliate CWL, they will be able to:
Load their U-Pass if they are eligible. The U-Pass allows the students to use a U-Pass-enabled Compass Card on Vancouver's public transit services
How to sign up for an Affiliate CWL
1. Find your UBC Student Number in REGIS
a) Login to regis.regent-college.edu
b) get your UBC ID (an 8-digit number) from the bottom left corner as shown below
2. Open the CWL website at https://activate.id.ubc.ca/iamweb/ (it is recommended to close all the windows that are accessing any UBC websites and open a new window)
a) Click on Student Accounts (CWL Account Upgrader) and follow the on-screen instructions under section Affiliate Accounts (CWL Account Upgrader) to create a CWL.
b) Click on the CWL Account Upgrader link in Step 2.
c) Choose the bottom option to Login with SecureLink , then choose Student, Applicant, External Student Portal on the Request your SecureLink screen.
d) Follow the prompts and on screen instructions and verify your email address.
e) Provide the CWL Login Name, Password, and Security Questions and click Finish to complete.
Note: Your "UBC Affiliate Student Number" is the number in the "UBC ID" field on REGIS. It's also the number on the front of your UBC card. Your "Affiliate Password" is your birthday in YYMMDD format.
Using your CWL to access UBC's Library resources
There are two ways to access UBC's Library resources with your CWL:
To access UBC Library's online resources — e.g., online journal articles and databases — you'll need to sign into UBC's OpenAthens service. To do so:
Open https://openathens.library.ubc.ca/ and sign in with your CWL credentials. (Note: you must use the CWL login option to sign in. The bar code option won't work.)
UBC movie resources can be found on Criterion on Demand and Kanopy Streaming.
If you cannot login to UBC openathens, make sure that your affiliate number is associated with your CWL.
Login to https://www.myaccount.ubc.ca/myAccount/ and check if there is an affiliate number associated with your account
If not, you can add your affiliate number to your CWL following these instructions: https://it.ubc.ca/services/campus-wide-login-cwl/how-add-employee-or-student-number-your-cwl-account
You may need to contact UBC Help desk support to do this.
To access your UBC library account (e.g., to check out and renew books online), you'll need to sign in with your UBC Card bar code and PIN. Here's how:
Open the login page for My Library Account
Scroll down to the Standard Library Login option and enter your UBC Card barcode and PIN.
UBC alumni & previous CWLs
If you are a UBC alumni, please do not use your previous UBC CWL. Instead, create a brand new Affiliate CWL and link your Compass Card to that new CWL. Otherwise UBC wilI not be able to verify your eligibility for the U-Pass.
If you accidentally added an affiliation to your existing UBC CWL, you can check your account with the following steps:
Sign into https://www.myaccount.ubc.ca with your UBC CWL
Scroll down to the grey Affiliations box. If you see both a student_number and an affiliate_number, contact UBC's IT Help Desk. They will remove the affiliate_number from your existing CWL account and create a new, separate Affiliate CWL (see screenshots below).
Accessing UBC Wi-Fi
You can use the eduroam Wi-Fi network with your CWL followed by @ubc.ca as shown here: cwlusername@ubc.ca
More information can be found here: https://it.ubc.ca/services/email-voice-internet/wireless-internet-access/eduroam-wireless-network
You can connect to the ubcvisitor Wi-Fi network without a CWL. Please click here for more information: https://it.ubc.ca/services/email-voice-internet/wireless-internet-access/ubcvisitor-wireless-network
UBC Interchange email end-of-life
UBC Netinfo/Interchange Email service is now end-of-life, due to aging hardware and lack of vendor support. The new UBC email forwarding service is only available for UBC students and alumni, not Regent students.
CWL does not entitle the purchase of Microsoft Office University edition
The Affiliate CWL does not entitle Regent students to purchase Microsoft Office's University edition. However, you can purchase the Home and Student edition, which do not require an official ".edu" email address.
To learn more about the Microsoft Office Home edition, please visit: http://office.microsoft.com/en-ca/buy
To learn more about Microsoft Office for Mac, please visit: http://www.microsoft.com/canada/mac/buy
Should Regent alumni extend their Guest CWLs once they expire?
In short, no.
The long answer:
Guest CWLs do not allow access to the UBC research databases. Even if they did, companies like EBSCO would not allow UBC's alumni to access their their database. There is a contractual limitation which limits access to current students, staff and faculty.
UBC Wi-Fi has a visitor network that doesn't require a CWL.
Who is eligible?
Regent students are eligible for Affiliate CWLs, but can no longer obtain Guest CWLs. Students may check out books using their UBC card within the term they are registered for courses, and may use the ubcvisitor Wi-Fi network.
If you have any questions, please email: help@regent-college.edu