Moodle Visual Accessibility Options
Increasing Zoom or Font Size on Moodle
Modern web browsers have options to increase the zoom level and font size on your web pages. These settings are not specific to Moodle and may cause some alignment changes and other legibility issues if you choose a very large font on Moodle. However, they provide a good solution for minor legibility assistance.
Please click here for a guide to modifying these settings in Google Chrome
Please click here for a guide to modifying these settings in Safari
Please click here for a guide to modifying these settings in Microsoft Edge
Extensions to Assist with Other Visual Impairments
For students requiring additional assistance with visual accessibility on Moodle, there are some Google Chrome Extensions that may help with legibility of the site.
Please note that Extensions not managed by Regent, and are subject to changes and updates from their publishers. Additionally, Extensions may not work in tandem, but rather users may need to select which extension works best for them.
Dyslexia Friendly
Dyslexia Friendly is a Google Chrome extension that allows users to change the default font to dyslexic friendly options on most websites.
This extension allows users to select either the Open Dyslexic or Comic Sans font for all default website text. Once the font option has been selected, if you do not see a font change, you may need to reload the page.
To access this Extension, please click here
If you are unfamiliar with how to install Google Chrome Extensions, please click here
Once you have installed Dyslexia Friendly, you can open Moodle and try it out
1. Navigate to Moodle and click on the Extensions button in the top right corner of your window
This button may not be visible if you have very few extensions installed - instead you will see the logo from step 2 indicated below in this location
2. When the Extensions list opens, click on Dyslexia Friendly
Once you have clicked on the Dyslexia Friendly Extension follow the steps as indicated in the screenshot below:
3. Turn on Dyslexia Friendly by clicking on the toggle - this will load the Font and Ruler options
4. Select the display font you would like to use
5. Change the size of the ruler reading guide you would like to use (or turn it off)
6. You can see that the text in Moodle is changed to the selected font
7. Additionally, the extension creates a "ruler" to help you read that will follow the cursor and place a shaded line across the screen to help readers keep track of the line they are reading